Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lilly's First Vet Visit and fun with the hose.

She did great at her first vet visit with us.  No issues whatsoever and he was very happy with her build and especially how great her hips felt.  She got to meet the resident cockatiel which intrigued her quite a bit but Lilly didn’t bother it at all.  She also got introduced to the vet’s own little dog just nose to nose.  He didn’t set his dog down just to be careful.  I think it was going to be a little too spastic for Lilly’s liking anyway.  No reactions at all to the vaccine updates but he did give her some Benadryl as a precaution.  She got her nails trimmed, her new Bay County license, and even got to see some horses before we left.  Lilly was content to just observe them from a distance J  We were amazed at how great of a car rider she is.

Lilly has met a few of the neighbors and a couple of our friends that have stopped over to see her.  We are taking that really slow.  We are introducing her outside of “her” yard, on the leash & leader, with lots of treats of course.  That seems to be going pretty well.   It is definitely “her” yard already.  She does not tolerate any intruders J  The  squirrels and bunnies have all been put on notice.

We tested her the other night leaving her out of her crate while we were gone for a few hours.  We were extremely happy that she did absolutely wonderful and didn’t bother anything while we were gone.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that will continue.  We like the idea of giving her the freedom in the house while we are gone.

She is such a sweetheart and we couldn’t be any happier with her.

Lilly loves the hose. Exercise and a way to cool off!

Lilly's First Weekend in Bay City.

Lilly is doing wonderful.  She is really starting to settle in.  She has started playing with her soccer ball with us and just finished off her first rawhide this morning, which she had started working on yesterday.  She was great through a small thunderstorm that rolled through and all of the fireworks in the neighborhood.  She has already claimed the big pillow as her own.  Her first night she slept in her crate in our room but last night we took the pillow up there and she just slept on that J 

The more tired she is from playing the longer her tongue seems to get.

Hanging out by the Pond.

 Tired out after playing.


The fiirst time we got her to play with her soccer ball that then turned into a game of tag where Lilly was definitely not It.